If you are looking for inspiration to decorate your child’s bedroom then this might be for you. A while ago we redecorated our son’s room to give it an adventure theme. I thought I’d share it with you.
Picking a theme
When I started looking at ideas for how to decorate his room my son rejected plenty of ideas! None of the wallpaper we looked at was very inspiring, and I was trying not to go with the bright red walls request.
We talked about painting one feature wall and leaving the rest white, but it didn’t sound very exciting. I started to think about how we could paint in a more creative way.
I’ve seen lots of great examples of how people had used masking tape to paint designs on their walls. One theme that came up in my Pinterest searches was that of explorers and adventure. I showed him some ideas and yes! An adventure theme bedroom was the winner.

Prepping our design
All his bedroom walls were painted white already. Dull, but helpful for this project. We decided on a mountain scene across 2 of the walls.
Having cleared the furniture I began marking out where the mountains would be using masking tape. Its important to keep the lines of the tape straight. Make sure it is pressed down securely so there is no bleeding of paint.
Marking the mountains out with the tape was a bit of trial and error. I wanted to bring them high enough up without taking over too much. Then it was all about the angles and how many peaks I could fit across a wall. Next, I repeated the tape across the second wall. Then I added some extra detail with zig zags for snow capped mountains.
I’m afraid I was too busy to actually take any photos. You will have to picture it in your mind! The great thing was I could test out a design and then change it as many times as I wanted.
Time to paint
Painting this design was much quicker and easier than doing the whole wall. There are fewer edges to go round and less surface area to cover.
We chose some shades of blue, grey and silver to paint the mountains in. If you have left over paint then this is a great way to use it up. It doesn’t take a huge amount of paint compared to covering the whole wall.

I had marked out a band along the bottom of the wall to act as the land with the peaks above. When that was fully dry I drew some tree shapes into cardboard and cut them out as stencils. Then I added trees in shades of left over green emulsion.

Once I started painting the whole thing came together pretty quickly. It all needed a second coat and I then left it for a few hours to fully dry. Once dry I began very carefully peeling off all that masking tape.
Adventure theme decor
With the walls complete we then looked at some decoration. We had lots of ideas – I even started a Pinterest board to collect adventure bedroom ideas. In the end he decided to make one piece for his walls with a compass design.
We took some thick cardboard that I had kept for art projects. We drew out two arrows and cut (well sawed really) them out.

I didn’t have quite enough to make the direction letters too. A trip to The Range was successful. We found card letters that were around the same thickness. He painted everything in black and left it to dry. All we needed to attach our new wall decor was some glue dots and it was done!

The final piece of decor pulled together two things already hanging around in his room. A while ago I did some Harry Potter crafts with my daughter and we made some potions for her room. My little boy had made his own ‘potions’ that day to join in. We have never really known what to do with them since. He is also a long term collector of gems and stones and fossils. Once bought they always end up in a cupboard. Bringing all this together, we made a display of geological samples surrounded by gem stones and sharks teeth.

Now his adventure tooth fairy pillow feels very at home. You can get yours in my Etsy store.

So that is our adventure bedroom. There are so many more easy adventure themed crafts we could try, so watch this space. We might report back on more! If you want more inspiration check out my Pinterest board. If adventure isn’t your thing then you will find lots of boys bedroom and girls bedroom inspiration on my other boards.